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Cover for Step outside the box - Yeah right!?
Isbn: 978-91-9862-703-9
Publisher: Nordic Success Publishing AB
In english
Accessible since: June 2020


Step outside the box - Yeah right!?

You come to the office just as you do every morning. This time you take a cardboard box and place it in the middle of the room. Then you stand in it. Welcome to your box. So framed is everyday life and our habits. Throughout human existence, most have lived in this way. Do you too? Do you know how difficult it is to step outside the box? Only you can answer it. Step out of it and say: Look, it was easy! The challenge is that this little cardboard piece is not just paper. It's a black hole. It is so strong that not even the light escapes. All matter and light drawn into the black hole never comes out again.

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