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Biblio e-kirjat Vaasan kaupunginkirjasto / Biblio e-böcker Vasa stadsbibliotek

Information for PC or Mac


How do I borrow e-books?

See instructions here how the borrowing process works. The books you borrowed will always be accessible via "My Pages".


How do I read e-books on my PC/Mac?

E-books can be read either directly in your browser, or downloaded to your computer with Adobe Digital Editions.

Read online

To read a book you borrowed online, go to "My Pages", go to the book you want to read and click on "Read".

Note that you must be connected to the Internet to read online. Unfortunately not all books are available in this format; You can always see if a book is available for online reading before you borrow it by saying "This book can be read directly online" under the "Borrow" button.

Instructions for using the online reader:

- Browse: Click right to browse forward, left to browse backwards. You can also browse longer pieces by dragging in the scroll bar at the bottom of the page.

- Menu: Click in the text to show the menu where you can search in the text, view bookmarks, modify text settings and see facts about the book.

- Bookmarks: To add a bookmark: Highlight the paragraph. Click: “Save as Bookmark” and give it a name for reference. Your bookmarks and settings is kept active for the duration of your loan.


To download e-books to your computer you first need to download software that can handle e-books. Out recommendation is Adobe Digital Editions, but all software that can handle the format Epub and Adobe DRM should work – view listhere.

1. Install Adobe Digital Editions by visiting download page, download installation file for PC or Macintosh and run the installation wizard.

2.Create an Adobe-ID, if you don’t already have one, and authorize Adobe Digital Editions by clicking "Help" and "Authorize computer".

3. Navigate to ”My Pages” and click ”Download” on the book you wish to borrow.

4. You should now see a dialog window with the options to open or save URLlink.acsm, which is the books download link. Select “Open With” and make sure to select “Digital Editions"


What is an Adobe ID?

When you have installed a reader software you will be prompted to create an Adobe-ID: here. The procedure is cost free and will enable you to read your copy protected e-book in up to 6 devices. You can read more at Adobes site here.


I got an error message, what is this?

"URLLink.acsm" is the download link for the book. It needs to be opened with an application that can read copy protected e-books - Adobe Digital Editions for PC/Mac, Bluefire Reader for iOS och Aldiko for Android.

The ACSM-file should open in the appropriate reader when you click the download link, but you may sometimes need to set up the file associations manually. How to open "URLLink.acsm" on your computer:

1. Save URLLink.acsm to any folder on your computer, for instance the desktop. Do this by selecting "Save" instead of "Open" when you click the download link.
2. Right click the file, choose "Open with..." and then pick "Adobe Digital Editions".
3. Click OK. The application should open and your book downloaded.

"File type not supported or file is damaged"

Make sure that you are opening the file in Adobe Digital Editions and not another application.

"I/O Error"

This error indicates that Adobe Digital Editions on your computer can't access the Internet. Possible reasons for this could be that you are behind a firewall that blocks Adobe from connecting. You should be able to configure the firewall settings to a standard security level, or give custom security settings to certain applications. In the Windows Firewall (found under Security Center in the Control panel), go the the tab "exceptions" and then "Add program" to allow an application to bypass the block. Make sure that Adobe Digital Editions has a firewall exception for things to work correctly.


How do I remove books from Adobe Digital Editions?

Open the application, go to the library view, right click the book and choose "Remove from library". The e-book should now disappear from the application, but the file is still on your computer. To remove the book you should go to the "My documents" folder, then "My Digital Editions" and find the file and remove it.

Note that you can't return loans in advanced using this method, only remove books.



How do I borrow audiobooks?

See instructions here on how the borrowing process works. The books you borrowed will always be accessible via "My Pages".


How do I listen to audiobooks on my PC/Mac?

You can listen to the library's audiobooks online on your PC/Mac by clicking the "listen" button. No external program is needed.


I can't play the audiobook, what should I do?

In most cases, solved this problem by upgrading to the latest version of Adobe Flash Player, found here.

If the player is "gray" and don't start, it is usually because your firewall is blocking the connection to our database. Try to turn it off temporarily and play up the book again. If it works, you should be able to solve the problem permanently by opening port 1935 at the firewall.

If none of this works, contact support to get help to solve the problem.
