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Biblio e-kirjat Vaasan kaupunginkirjasto / Biblio e-böcker Vasa stadsbibliotek

Information for Android


How do I borrow e-books?

See the instructions for how the borrowing process works here. The books you have borrowed will be accessible from "My pages".


How do I read e-books on my Android device?

E-books can be read directly online in your web browser, or downloaded to your Android device using Biblio app.

Download Biblio app in Google Play here

Reading online

To read a book that you have borrowed in the Online reaeder, go to "My pages", find the book you want to read and click on "Read".

Note that you must be connected to the internet to be able to read online.
All books are not available in this format; you can always see if a book is available for online reading by checking if it says "This book can be read online" under the "Borrow" button.

Instructions for reading in the online reader:

- Scrolling: Touch the right edge of the screen to scroll forwards, and the left edge to scroll backwards. You can also scroll further by dragging the bar at the bottom of the page.

- Menu: Touch the middle of the text to get a menu that lets you search the text, see your saved bookmarks, change text settings and see more information about the book.

- Bookmarks: To add a bookmark to the text, mark a word in the section you want to bookmark. Click on "Save as a bookmark" and input a name for your bookmark. Your bookmarks and notes will be saved as long as your loan is still active.


To download e-books to your Android device you first need to download software that can handle e-books. Any software that can handle the EPUB format and Adobe DRM should work.


What is an Adobe ID?

When you install an application to read e-books you will be asked to create an Adobe ID, which you can do here. This is a free and simple process that enables you to read your copy protected e-book on up to six different devices by using the same Adobe ID on all devices. Read more about this on the Adobe web page here.

You don't need to authorize with Adobe ID when using Biblio app. You can log in with your library cardnummer and pin code in the app.


Can I transfer e-books from my computer?

Books loaned on the library site is integrated directly to Biblio app, so you don't have to transfer books from one reader to Biblio. All loaned books are visible and available in Biblio app (except for books in PDF format).


I got an error message, why did this happen?

Content not supported

Message can appear for Aldiko users. Solution: Try importing the file directly from Aldiko using the following instructions:

i) Start Aldiko
ii) Go to the "Files" tab via the menu, and then to "Download"
iii) Select the download link (URLlink.acsm) and choose "Import"

Device not authorized

This occurs because you haven't authorized Aldiko with an Adobe ID. You can fix this by following the instructions here.

If you get any other error message - don't hesitate to contact the support and they will help you.


How do I remove books from reading program?

Books that can be returned before loan period is over, has a visible "Return loan"-button on book page. Otherwise the loan can not be returned in advance, it will be automatically removed when the loan period is over.



How do I borrow audiobooks?

Read this instruction the borrowing process of books. You can access your borrowed books in "My pages".


How do I borrow audiobooks on my Android device?

1. Download Biblio app in Google Play here

2. Log in with your regular library card number and PIN-code

3. Search and borrow books. You will find all your loans under My loans where you can listen, pause and make bookmarks. The player remembers how far you came last time in the respective book and continues from that point in time of the book.


Does it cost anything to listen to audiobooks on my mobile device?

There are no additional costs from the library, but your provider's standard rates for mobile data traffic will apply.


Why do I need an app to listen to audiobooks in Android?

Android is built around idea that most things should be done via various apps, and to get a user experience that is as good as possible on every kind of Android Device, an app the easiest way. Back

Does the app save any information about me as a user?

No, the only information stored is the bookmark information, so you for instance can continue listening in the same position as the last time you left off Back