Ljudböcker / Romaner
B. J. Harrison Reads The Dream of a Ridiculous Man
A desperate man wanders around the streets of St. Petersburg. His life having lost its meaning, he is determined to kill himself. Nothing matters anymore and there is no point in m ...
B. J. Harrison Reads The Eyes
"Phil, my dear boy, really -- what's the matter? Why don't you answer? Have you seen the eyes?"An older gentleman invites a group of friends over for dinner and to discuss the supe ...
B. J. Harrison Reads The Cut-Glass Bowl
"Evylyn, I’m going to give a present that’s as hard as you are and as beautiful and as empty and as easy to see through." When New York housewife Evylyn Piper receives a cut-glass ...
B. J. Harrison Reads Head and Shoulders
"Am I a laboratory experiment on which the janitors as well as the chemists can make experiments? Is my intellectual development humorous in any way?"Once a child prodigy, Horace i ...
B. J. Harrison Reads A Christmas Tree and a Wedding
The narrator in the story has just came back from a wedding, but he wants to take us to a Christmas party that he was at several years ago and where he witnessed how big of a diffe ...
B. J. Harrison Reads The Invisible Man, a Father Brown Mystery
Isidore Smythe is in danger. He has received threating letters and he does not see a way out. John Angus offers Smythe his help and Smythe is escorted back to his flat. Angus is de ...
B. J. Harrison Reads The Blue Cross
Father Brown, an amateur detective, takes up his first case ever. He has to find the infamous criminal Flambeau. The task is however very difficult because Flambeau is a master of ...
B. J. Harrison Reads The Man Who Knew Too Much
"The Man Who Knew Too Much" tells the story of Horne Fisher and the burden he had to carry throughout his whole life. He knew too much about politicians and aristocracy, about corr ...
B. J. Harrison Reads The Secret Garden
Aristide Valentin holds a dinner party in his secret garden, which only has one main entrance. Many people are invited. Julius K. Brayne, one of Valentin’s rivals, is of the party ...
B. J. Harrison Reads The Queer Feet
The Twelve True Fishermen are going on their annual dinner at an exclusive club where fifteen waiters are going to serve the guests. The fishermen are refined and insist on using t ...
Medan hon dör
En kvinna leds till den sista vilan av en handfull sorgande. Kistan är täckt av grönska, med liljor och nejlikor i orange som likt eldsflammor förebådar den förestående förvandling ...
Under radarn
Drömmen om att få ligga hos sin älskade är också en dröm om frihet och om att bli vuxen. Tomasz är bara tio år när han upptäcker vad kärlek och åtrå gör med honom. Och nyfikenheten ...
Identitet okänd
De kallar henne Red eftersom hon inte minns sitt namn. Den unga rödhåriga tjejen har förlorat minnet efter att hon blivit skjuten och det finns inga verkliga ledtrådar till vad som ...
B. J. Harrison Reads Nicholas Nickleby
Nicholas Nickleby is a young boy left without a father. Nicholas has to take care of his mother and sister and is forced by his uncle to work as an assistant to the schoolmaster Wa ...
B. J. Harrison Reads Great Expectations
Pip is a poor orphaned boy who lives together with his sister and her husband. Pip is not educated but has great dreams of the future. He is determined to get out of the low class ...
B. J. Harrison Reads David Copperfield
David Copperfield was a little boy who grew up in an unfortunate family. His father died six months before David’s birth. Later his mother remarried to a cruel man who beat him up. ...
B. J. Harrison Reads The Descent of Man
"I tell you there's nothing the public likes as much as convictions – they'll always follow a man who believes in his own ideas. And this book is just on the line of popular intere ...
B. J. Harrison Reads Afterward
'You won't know till afterward. You won't know till long, long afterward.'When Ned and Mary Boyne hear that their new house is haunted, they laugh it off and joke that every good h ...
B. J. Harrison Reads Dracula
You have certainly heard of Dracula. But do you know the whole story? Everything begins with Jonathan Harker, an English solicitor who travels to Transylvania. He is about to sell ...
B. J. Harrison Reads A Christmas Carol
Christmas is just around the corner. People are cheery and excited, except for Ebenezer Scrooge for whom Christmas is just another day. Ebenezer is an old, bitter miser who has dis ...
B. J. Harrison Reads The Christmas Stories of Charles Dickens
"The Christmas Stories of Charles Dickens" is a precious collection of Christmas tales. Christmas spirit, joy, excitement, cheer and Christmas trees against low classes living in d ...
Rivalerna 1
Kane och Abel föds på samma dag 1906. Abels mor dör under födseln och han växer upp som hittebarn på en fattig polsk bondgård. Abel är en ovanligt smart pojke, så trots sin bakgrun ...
Kungarnas krig
"Mediamoguler slåss för att rädda sina imperier!" Så lyder kvällstidningarnas rubriker. Mogulerna är affärsmännen Keith Townsend och Richard Armstrong, som båda kämpar för att bli ...
Nu är det jul igen
Trebarnsmamman Emelie har tröttnat på tillvaron. Sedan pappan till hennes barn flyttat hem till Gambia har hon kämpat för att få vardagen att gå ihop. Budgeten är tajt, jobbet är u ...
Det har gått en månad sedan Lindas syster Cora begravde sin man. Nu är hon som en helt annan person. Plötsligt vågar hon be sina vänner om hjälp - och Linda hjälper mer än gärna ti ...