Ljudböcker / Romaner
Death by Dark Waters
The charred remains of a child are discovered - a child no one seems to have missed... It's high summer, and the lakes are in the midst of an unrelenting heatwave. Uncontrollable f ...
Until Love Do Us Part
What happens when two people, who hate each other, are forced to cooperate by law? Amalia and Ryan met at Yale Law School, from which their mutual dislike for one another was born. ...
Something Quite Beautiful
Seven powerful, gripping short stories from bestselling author, Amanda Prowse. If you have not discovered Amanda Prowse yet you are in for a real treat... Full of incident and real ...
A gripping thriller full of twists you won't see coming... Seven years ago, psychiatrist Dr Claps assisted police in capturing Giacomo Riondino, a man accused of abducting, torturi ...
A Gangster's Grip
It's 1991, and Rita is looking forward to her return to Manchester after a few years in Greece with her husband Yansis. But once back she finds a cuckoo in the family nest – a dope ...
Someday in Paris
Soulmates do exist... But will they find their way to each other? The year is 1954. In a small French museum, two people's lives are about to change forever. On a wintery night in ...
The Fish
´There is a fish on the sand; I see it clearly. But it is not on its side, lying still. It is partly upright. It moves. I can see its gills, off the ground and wide open. It looks ...
Låt hjärtat vara med
Grete Silversköld född i en liten ort i Värmland. Hennes stora dröm att bli narkosläkare förverkligas. Vid ett besök på puben med några väninnor träffar hon karismatiske Adam Sverl ...
Vikten av spårning
Någon månad innan pandemin gör sitt inträde i Sverige utspelar sig inte mindre tragiska händelser i en fiktiv fjällort, Fjällåsen, där lugnet och friden härskar och där turismen in ...
Inte helt hundra
Vera Gustafsson har bestämt sig för att bli hundra år. Inte för att hon vill leva, utan för att få sista ordet över sin granne. Annars hotar han att ta över gården där hon bor ihop ...
Den underjordiska solen
Det sjunger i mitt huvud. Melodin har ännu inte lämnat mig. Fortfarande har jag kvar känslan av att vara där, minnet dröjer sig kvar i mitt skelett. Jag har börjat sörja, men är b ...
Teoretiske fysikern Erland sitter en vacker kväll på en hotellbalkong i Puerto Rico på södra Gran Canaria. Han har kört fast totalt och ledsnat på att försöka skriva en lättbegripl ...
Dagar i Burma
Under åren 1922-27 var George Orwell officer hos den koloniala polisen i det dåvarande Burma. Upplevelserna lade grunden till hans första roman, Dagar i Burma, som kom ut 1934. Det ...
Han dyker plötsligt upp när Frans sitter på en hotellbalkong på norra Teneriffa och bläddrar i den bok som är avsedd att hämnas på forskargruppen för inbillade oförrätter. En otäck ...
Solo 3 segundos
El accidente que se llevó a su amiga Rachel y que la condenó con solo diecisiete años continúa convirtiendo la vida de Pearl Bennett en un infierno. Sobrevivir al pasado y a las ci ...
Tre kvinnor är mitt uppe i sina professionella karriärer. Under några dygn träffas de på den gotländska kalkstensgården Rume för handledning och förkovran hos mentorn Elisabeth. Me ...
Username: Doll Child
Book 1 in the best-selling Roland Benito series. On a humid and rain-filled summer day in the Danish suburb of Brabrand, the body of a ten-year-old girl is found lifeless in a dump ...
Femicide: the new shocking Scandinavian thriller (Vanessa Frank, 1)
It seemed like an open-and-shut case. But they couldn’t have been more wrong. When a 25-year-old woman is found dead in Stockholm, detective Vanessa Frank knows that there is more ...
Her Mother's Cry
The girl in the photo was laughing, her head thrown back, her lips painted a bright red. Jessie could feel the simple joy reflected in that moment. And as she looked closer, she sa ...
Darkness Falls
A city united in grief. A journalist ready to kill to keep his secrets. A copper capable of darker deeds than murderers. An unworldly detective fighting to save an innocent man. N ...
Into the Woods
If you go into the woods, you're in for a dark surprise. Thirty years ago, three girls followed a stranger into the woods. Only two returned. The surviving pair have never been abl ...
Moonlight on the Thames
Two strangers meet at Waterloo station at Christmas. It's a moment they'll never forget..Nicola is a star in her professional life, but her personal life is a disaster. Her office ...
How to Make Time for Me
No-one said being a single mum would be easy... Everyone knows that being a single mother means having no time to yourself. But for Callie Brown it's more exhausting than most. She ...
Just the Two of Us
Just the Two of Us will make you laugh and cry, and remind you never to give up on love. Lucy is the wrong side of thirty and tormented daily by the idyllic family pictures clutte ...
Dreams Come True at Glendale Hall: A romantic, uplifting and feelgood read
Lorna is following her dreams. But can she follow her heart?Lorna Ferguson has dreamt of opening her own bed and breakfast in the village of Glendale for as long as she’d pictured ...