E-böcker / Historiska faksimil
Officerarna som fick nog
Sommarnatten blir aldrig riktigt mörk i mellersta Finlands sjöområde, så de svenska och ryska patruller som smög kring nyslotts fästning vid den finsk-ryska gränsen hade inte svårt ...
Sommaren och kriget kom samtidigt till Finland midsommarveckan 1941. Alla talar om det nya kriget, kriget mellan Tyskland och Sovjetunionen. Kommer kriget att påverka Finland? Det ...
Finlands frihetsväg
Det finska inbördeskriget kom att utkämpas mot bakgrunden av ryska kejsardömets sammanbrott, den ryska revolutionen och det första världskriget. Den väpnade konflikten som utkämpad ...
Den falska freden
Över en natt blir en stor andel finländare hemlösa. Allt har sin upprinnelse i att Finland måste välja sida i konflikten mellan Nazityskland och arvsfienden Ryssland. Det blir uppt ...
Sons and Lovers
Sons and Lovers is a classic novel by D. H. Lawrence. The book tells the story of Paul Morel, a young man with artistic talents who has a complicated relationship with his mother. ...
Lord Jim
Lord Jim is a classic novel by Joseph Conrad. The book tells the story of a parson's son who takes to the sea, but abandons his ship and spends the rest of his life trying to come ...
Madame Dorthea
Madame Dorthea (1939) är en kvinna ur de högre samhällsskikten under 1700-talets sista år, med en älskad make och en stor barnaskara. Men en dag är mannen plötsligt försvunnen och ...
Elva år
Memoarboken Elva år (1934) är Sigrid Undsets barndomsminnen från uppväxten i Kristiania. Staden ses genom författarens barnaögon och de vuxnas problem förstås och förmedlas genom b ...
Ida Elisabeth
Ida Elisabeth (1932) gifter sig med ungdomskärleken Frithjof, vilket visar sig vara ett misstag. Efter hans otrohet flyttar hon och de två barnen till en annan stad där hon träffar ...
På livets skuggsida
I novellsamlingen På livets skuggsida (1912) möter vi fattigdom och orättvisor i form av lagerarbetaren som förlorar jobbet, kontorskvinnor som drömmer om man och barn och en sömme ...
Jenny (1911) kom att bli Sigrid Undsets genombrott och väckte uppseende då den berörde frågan om kvinnans frihet och sexualitet. Konstnären Jenny Winge har lämnat Norge för Rom med ...
Fru Marta Oulie
Jag har varit min man otrogen. Så inleds Sigrid Undsets debutbok Fru Marta Oulie (1907), en dagboksroman om ett problemfyllt äktenskap. Sigrid Undset (1882 1949) är mest känd för s ...
A Ghost Story
A Ghost Story is a short story by Mark Twain, one of the most funny and beloved American authors of all time. Known for his novels like The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and A Connectic ...
Daisy Miller
Daisy Miller is a story by Henry James, who is widely considered to be one of the greatest American authors of all time. In addition to the story, this ebook contains an essay on J ...
The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow
The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving is a classic American tale of horror. Sleepy Hollow is a remote gale that is believed by many to be haunted. The superstitious sch ...
Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Lady Chatterley's Lover by D. H. Lawrence is one of the most celebrated and controversial novels of all time. Banned immediately after initial publication as obscene, this sensual ...
Great Expectations
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens is a classic novel and a coming-of-age story where a young orphan is seeking to find his place in the world. The book is widely considered to ...
A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens is a great historical novel about life, love and turmoil in London and Paris before and during the French revolution. A Tale of Two Cities h ...
Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist is the second novel by Charles Dickens and one of his most beloved works. The book tells how Oliver is born as an orphan in a workhouse, is later sold into apprentices ...
Hard Times
Hard Times is the tenth novel by Charles Dickens and a captivating look into the conflict between poor workers and rich mill owners in an industrial town in England in the 19th cen ...
Persuasion is the last novel Jane Austen wrote. It is a classic tale of emotions, restraint and morals. Anne Elliot has broken her engagement to Captain Frederick Wentworth, but af ...
The Happy Prince
The Happy Prince is a short story by Oscar Wilde, who was prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned for homosexuality in 1895. Even though Wilde is best known for his novel The Picture ...
The Nightingale and the Rose
The Nightingale and the Rose is a short story by Oscar Wilde, who was prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned for homosexuality in 1895. Even though Wilde is best known for his novel ...
The Selfish Giant
The Selfish Giant is a short story by Oscar Wilde, who was prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned for homosexuality in 1895. Even though Wilde is best known for his novel The Picture ...
The Devoted Friend
The Devoted Friend is a short story by Oscar Wilde, who was prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned for homosexuality in 1895. Even though Wilde is best known for his novel The Pictur ...