E-böcker / Historia
Sverige vid avgrunden 1808-1814
Hur kunde det gå så illa? År 1808 stod Sverige vid avgrundens rand och kämpade för sin överlevnad i krig på tre olika fronter: i söder mot Napoleon, i väster mot Danmark och i öste ...
De glömda blockadbrytarna : Krigsdramatik på svenska västkusten 1939-1945
"Släck alla fyrar på västkusten!" beordrar den svenske marinchefen den 8 april 1940. Tyska krigs- och transportfartyg är på väg norrut för att ockupera Norge i gryningen nästa dag. ...
Mot stjärnan
Det är juldagens morgon 1943 och en skara ingermanländska flyktingar stiger i land i Hangö. I Sovjetunionen började deras flykt, de har färdats över havet från Estland och vet inge ...
Marknadens tyranni
Sedan 1980-talet har marknadsliberalismen stått högst på dagordningen. Ett snart 40-årigt ideologiskt experiment grundat på övertron till avreglering, privatisering, stora skattesä ...
The Long, Long Trail
The Long, Long Trail A wilful flirtatious girl; a morose family; a dark, mysterious, and (to some) alluring man; lots of horses, guns, honour, love, courage, and treachery in this ...
Trailin'! is a classic western action novel by American author Max Brand.Trailin’! tells the story of Anthony Bard, a young aristocrat from the east with a hunger for adventure, wh ...
Ronicky Doone
Ronicky Doone is a classic western action novel by American writer Max Brand.Ronicky Doone is a hero of the west, respected by the law-abiding citizen from Tombstone to Sonora -and ...
Sheriff Larrabee's Prisoner
Sheriff Larrabee's Prisoner is a classic western action novel by American writer Max Brand.The stranger rode up in the pouring rain to the lonely ranch house. Before dawn he was ri ...
The Cross Brand
The Cross Brand is a classic western action novel by American writer Max Brand.Sheriff Harry Ganton and Jack Bristol have been friends since they were young. But then Jack Bristol ...
Way of the Lawless
Way of the Lawless (aka Free Range) is a classic western action novel by American writer Max Brand. Andrew Lanning has been raised by his Uncle Jasper to know how to shoot just lik ...
The Rangeland Avenger
The Rangeland Avenger is a classic western action novel by American authour Max Brand. If you enjoy a fast-moving western dealing with vengeance and well-deserved payback, you'll l ...
The Garden of Eden
The Garden of Eden is a classic western action novel by American writer Max Brand.Ben Connor is a gambler who knows horses. He goes out west to get away from the gambling life he h ...
Riders of the Silences
Riders of the Silences is a classic western action novel by American writer Max Brand.Wilderness life. Chaste romance. Love triangles. A masquerade ball. Revenge. Shooting. Horses. ...
Gunman's Reckoning
Gunman's Reckoning is a classic western action novel by American authour Max Brand. Gunman’s Reckoning is a tale of a tough guy who gets involved with an evil man with an angel dau ...
Bull Hunter
Bull Hunter is a classic western action novel by American authour Max Brand.Bull Hunter was a man who could rip a tree trunk from the ground with his bare hands or tame the wildest ...
Black Jack
Black Jack is a classic western action novel by American writer Max Brand.In this classic western story, the son of a notorious outlaw is adopted into a wealthy, law-abiding family ...
Alcatraz a classic western story of a wild horse who many said could not be caught or broken, and the man who set out to prove them wrong.Alcatraz is a horse who had been bred to r ...
Dan Barry’s Daughter
Dan Barry’s Daughter is a classic western action novel by American author Max Brand. It is the fourth and last novel about Dan Barry, also known as "Whistlin' Dan"."Whistling Dan," ...
The Seventh Man
The Seventh Man is a classic western action novel by American author Max Brand. It is the third novel about Dan Barry, also known as "Whistlin' Dan".The Seventh Man tells part of t ...
The Night Horseman
The Night Horseman is a classic western action novel by American author Max Brand. It is the second novel about Dan Barry, also known as "Whistlin' Dan".A man, a dog, and a horse. ...
The Untamed
The Untamed is a classic western action novel by American author Max Brand. It is the first novel about Dan Barry, also known as "Whistlin' Dan".Whistlin' Dan Berry is one of the m ...
Ett kilo socker : farmor glömmer aldrig priset på sitt liv
"Ta av dig den där. Det som händer där ute påminner om 30-talet i Polen."Farmor pekar på Davidsstjärnan som hänger runt min hals och fortsätter:"Du kan råka illa ut."Vi sitter som ...
För dig ska musiken bara vara ett smycke
De judiska syskonen Fanny och Felix växer upp i det tidiga 1800-talets Preussen. Musikaliska underbarn och varandras bästa vänner. Men deras omgivning blir alltmer antisemitisk och ...
Det omaka paret: Tjeckernas och slovakernas historia
Ett land på kartan – två skilda folk Efter första världskriget ritades Europas karta om. Polen återuppstod efter att ha varit borta från kartan i 123 år. Jugoslavien samt Tjeckoslo ...
Brotten som skakade Sverige: Tjugo nya brott
»Texterna är intressanta, lättlästa och koncisa, och närvarokänslan är stark. Flera av brotten kommer jag ihåg från nyhetsrapporteringen, och nu i efterhand, när pusselbitarna fall ...